Anyway, I saw my mom do Weight Watchers so that’s what I tried as well. I started counting points and running. And when I say running, I mean I became obsessed with running and burning calories.
I thought the more I could sweat, the more my body would change. I would wear trash bags and run so I would sweat more. I would spend hours on the track outside of my house. I would run any opportunity I got.
I continued doing that for years and I thought I just had to keep eating less and running more in order to maintain my weight. Well, then I got pregnant and gained 65 lbs. My body looked unrecognizable to me so I went back to what I knew…
Eating very little and running.
No matter how hard I worked, my body just did not look the way I wanted it to. I was so frustrated and discouraged but I just kept going. Finally, I hired a personal trainer who taught me about strength training and building muscle.
You would think that would’ve been the light at the end of the tunnel.. Unfortunately, that just took me from one extreme to another. I got into bodybuilding and was working out 7 days per week, doing gym sessions plus cardio, and eating 900-1000 calories per day.
It got to the point where I was completely burnt out and exhausted. I had no idea the damage I was doing to my metabolism and that I was creating a scenario where my body would be diet-resistant and I’d accumulate a decent amount of “stress fat.”
Well that’s what happened. I was so burnt out from the extremes that I took 2 full years off from training. I gained another 20 lbs and once again felt unrecognizable to myself.
This time, I was determined to learn what was actually happening in my body. I was not about to put myself through another starvation diet or spend every waking moment in the gym or doing cardio.
So I educated myself around metabolic health, hormonal health, quality nutrition, sustainable training, and I couldn’t believe how much better I felt.
I was actually able to eat real food (and a lot of it) while moving my body in ways that I enjoyed. I got stronger and built muscle. I loved what my body was capable of doing and I actually prioritized my metabolism and hormonal health.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that giving my body what it needed was the exact thing that got me the physique I desired with the flexibility and freedom of still being able to live my life (ya know, like running a business, being a mom, wife, having a social life)... but that’s exactly what happened.
I was so blown away at the damage I had unknowingly done to myself and how my extreme dieting efforts made my body hold onto fat.. That I felt compelled to share it with as many women as I could.
That’s what got me into coaching and I haven’t looked back since.
That’s why I created this resource and that’s why I do what I do.